Google provides Golang sample application(Go hello world) to learn BigTable
Originally, in my team, we are considering KVS in a team, and compare several choices. Now, we are using GCP in a team, but KVS is not GCP managed service. So, I investigated BigTable for comparison.
In this entry, I tried Go hello world in my own account. Let’s start Go hello world
- Create go project
- Import bigtable library with go get
- Copy codes from Go hello world
- Build (go build)
- Open GCP console and create an instance
- Run application (set project ID and instance Name via command line)
Create go project
mkdir gobigtable
cd gobigtable
go mod init gobigtable
touch main.go
Prepare main.go and go.mod
Import bigtable library with go get
go get
go.mod and go.sum is updated, it’s ready to prepare codes.
Copy codes from Go hello world
Just copy codes. I did not explain details, but explain little bit for future use
- Get project ID (GCP project ID), instance ID (Bigtable instance ID) using flag
- Create Admin Client to manipulate Bigtable
- Get target table instance (if cannot get, create new table)
- Insert data into the target table
- Test getting data using rowkey
- Read all rows from the table
- Delete table
After running this problem, your GCP does not remain anything (only instance)
Let’s build this program
go build
Open GCP console and create an instance
Go to GCP console (web) and create an instance

“インスタンスを作成” Create Instance

Set Instance Name and Instance ID, Instance Name is only for display, we need Instance ID for a program

We need to select SSD or HDD, SSD is high performance, if no specific reason, we should choose SSD

This is cluster setting, important point is “Region”. I choose “Singapore” region, and Zone is anything. Bigtable price depends on Region, but you should use your application nearest place to reduce network latency
Instance will be established within 1 minutes. It’s ready to start program
Run application (set project ID and instance Name via command line)
In this time, I would like to run sample application in my local machine. To connect BigTable from my machine, need to activate gcloud command in my local machine
gcloud auth application-default login
Please select your target project
Let’s fun program
./gobigtable --project (GCP project name) --instance dj-first
Please use your project name, and instance name dj-first is my instance name
You can see following

You can see output like this.